Ben Klibreck
General Info: Chilling requirement is rated as moderate to high, although Ben Klibreck has performed consistently well across several different regions of the UK, including after mild winters. Budbreak is generally at a similar time to Ben Hope.
Parentage: (Ben More x C2/13/15) x (Ben More x Ri-74020-16).
Flowering: First flower usually around 2 days after Ben Hope.
Cropping Season & Yield
Harvest is usually at least 7 days after Ben Hope. Yields of over 11t/ha have been achieved in trials.
Fruit Quality
Some high Brix levels achieved, moderate vitamin C but good anthocyanin content. Berries have good hangability, and are usually around 1g.
Growth habit
Strong growth with upright habit.
Pest and Disease Resistance
Resistant to mildew and generally to leafspot. Susceptible to gall mite and reversion, although cropping is only slowly affected.